Ways You Can Help Support TFG

You can always watch TFG’s YouTube channel and access my Instagram and Facebook pages free of charge; there is ZERO obligation to do anything more than just enjoy them. ❤️

There are some folks, however, that do want to help out/show appreciation and there are several ways that you can do so, if you choose to.

Like/Comment Subscribe/Share

These are all FREE ways to help support your favourite channels/creators and it honestly makes a BIG difference when you interact regularly with our content.

Speaking specifically about YouTube, the more people who like, comment, and share a video, it sends a message to the algorithm that this content has value, and thus gets sent out to more people. The more people who see our videos, the more our channel will grow and the longer we can do what we do!

Buy Me A Tea

The Buy Me A Coffee (or in this case, tea!) platform is a safe way to send a few dollars here and there as you wish to, to say ‘thanks’ or to contribute to the purchase of tools and equipment. Their site is run on Amazon infrastructure and they don’t store your credit card details on their servers. The amount you wish you send is entirely up to you and every little bit helps, so never feel like it’s ‘not enough’. Buy Me A Tea!

Amazon Wish List

This is another entirely optional way to help the channel grow. There are many different types of tools and supplies on the TFG Wish List, and all different price points. From a package of screws to a bigger ticket piece of machinery, it’s ALL important to this business and I appreciate it all the same. ❤️ View TFG's Wish List


Soon, there will be a live store on this site, but until then, you can find TFG merch on TeeSpring . This catalog will be a bit different than what will be offered here in the storefront once it’s finished, so be sure to check both out!


I’ve had several people ask I had a Patreon page, and I’ve been setting it up slowly behind the scenes, trying to decide what membership levels will work best for everyone, and the perks that come along with that. If this is more your thing, stay tuned; I should have the site live before the end of the year.

Patreon is a platform that brings members and creators together in a monthly membership structure. There are multiple membership levels to choose from, and the perks vary between those levels. It’s a rewarding and safe way to regularly support your favourite creators.


Super Chat, Super Thanks

When watching one of my YouTube videos live during a premiere, you will have the option to participate in a live chat, with me, and other viewers! You will also be able to, should you choose to, send what is called a Super Chat, which is kind of like a tip, except it will show up in the chat with your name highlighted. You have full control over how much you’d like this Super Chat to be.

Once a video airs and is no longer a premiere video, you can do the same thing except now it is called a Super Thanks, and will show up in the comment section instead of the chat feed. These are just little tokens of appreciation.❤️

Affiliate Links

When affiliate links are used to purchase products or subscriptions, TFG may receive a small kickback. This is of absolutely zero extra cost to you, and helps to support the channel!





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UK Store: https://uk.xtool.com/?ref=5GBi_b_0ksR092&utm_medium=null&utm_source=influencer

France Store: https://fr.xtool.com/?ref=5GBi_b_0ksR092&utm_medium=null&utm_source=influencer

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EU Store: https://www.xtool.eu/?ref=5GBi_b_0ksR092&utm_medium=null&utm_source=influencer