Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do you sell your refinished furniture?

A: Yes! At least most of them. Some pieces I refinish for myself, and some I donate to my favourite charities, including 10,000 Carrots Rabbit Rescue.

Q: Do you do custom work / client commissions?

A: No, unfortunately my schedule and workspace don’t allow for it.

Q: Are you sponsored by any product companies?

A: No, not technically, at this point in time. However, I am an affiliate for Fusion Mineral Paint and SurfPrep. You can use my discount codes to save yourself 10% off your orders! I am also an affiliate for xTool (incredible lasers and laser engraving supplies).

Q: How long have you been refinishing furniture?

A: Well, honestly, I painted furniture when I was young but DEFINITELY wouldn’t have done a very good job. lol As a business though, I started TFG in 2018.

Q: How did you learn?

A: HOURS and HOURS and HOURS of research; YouTube videos, free AND paid online courses, books, blogs, and good ol’ trial and error. It takes a LONG time to become proficient in any area, but truthfully, you never really stop learning. I STILL watch many YouTube wood workers and furniture folks while I’m working on pieces in the garage. And I LOVE a good book.

Q: Can I send you photos of my projects and get your advice?

A: The long answer here, is as much as I would LOVE to be able to help everyone who reaches out, there sadly just aren’t enough hours in the day. There is another side to this as well- sometimes things don’t come across properly through photos and videos, and are best seen, felt, etc in person. For THIS reason, it can sometimes be difficult to accurately determine the age, finish, wood species, etc of people’s project pieces. There is also the element of user error, when recommending products and finishes, or misinterpretation of my instructions.

I get, on average, approx 40+ messages per day between Instagram, FB, YouTube, and email (and literally hundreds of questions in the comments). It is unfortunately just not possible to be able to get back to everyone.

The short answer is this: you can certainly message me on Instagram and if it’s a simple answer, I may try to help you out. But PLEASE don’t take offence if I’m unable to respond! I need more hours in a day!